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About ICDeadPpl

  • Birthday 08/16/1971


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    Gothenburg, Sweden

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  1. How do I get the timestamp of the downloaded video NOT to be the video upload/creation date? If I download a video uploaded to Youtube a week ago, then the downloaded video has the creation timestamp set for that date. I'd like to have the downloaded video to have the current (when it was downloaded) timestamp, so that I can easily sort the files in the download folder by date, descening order. Is there a YTDL_OPTIONS setting for this?
  2. Is there a way to have one particular container restart after a update/restart of another container, Mariadb in my case?
  3. I think you have to use chown -R nobody:users * instead. chown help says: chown [OPTIONS] USER[:GROUP] FILE(s)
  4. Use "bash /usr/local/bin/audioArrayToSSD/monitor_arrayAudioChanges.sh" instead of "source /usr/local/bin/audioArrayToSSD/monitor_arrayAudioChanges.sh" From the 1st link you provided: "In the second method, if you are using exit in second script, it will exit the first script as well."
  5. It gave me an error until I added a "\" on this line: umount -l /var/lib/docker_bind\
  6. Which files and folders do I have to backup, so that I can just copy them back if something stops working? Proxy Hosts and SSL Cerificates is what am thinking about.
  7. Try running the following command on both hosts: ssh-keyscan -H TARGET_HOST >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
  8. Could bash scripts (filename.sh) made editable, like *.txt files, when clicking on them? Or maybe add an "Edit" button?
  9. Ferdi as a project is dead. Ferdium is a fork of Ferdi/Franz with developers from Ferdi and is free. Docker setup instructions on their Github.
  10. I upgraded Unraid to 6.10.1, and after the reboot the login functionality was there and could login. I also forgot to mention that the unraid-api command didn't work under 6.10, maybe that was the culprit? Now on 6.10.1 everything is good!
  11. I can't post this to the My Servers forum, because it doesn't get registered, so here goes: After upgrading to 6.10, the My Servers doesn't let me login. The dropdown on the top right in Unraid shows this: The "Install Plugin" button never goes away, and the install log shows "plugin: not reinstalling same version". The Management Access page shows this: And the sign in process then shows this, without me actually ever getting the chance to log in anywhere: The "Sign in" button still shows on the page. The config file in the plugin directory never gets written: The plugin is supposedly the latest version:
  12. I got this from their newsletter: https://nextcloud.com/blog/nextcloud-hub-24-is-here/
  13. I have set it to run at first array start only. The script itself runs in a infinite loop and has a 1 second long pause between checks (the "sleep 1" part at the end).