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    New Brunswick, Canada

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  1. I "updated" my python2.7 version in the plugin, but it turns out it downgraded my python from 2.7.17 to 2.7.11 and broke some of my scripts. Is there any way that I can specify the version installed by the plugin?
  2. I recently bought a 4U 24 bay Supermicro system off a friend, but am unable to get unRAID to see any of my hard drives. The RAID controller is a LSI Megaraid 9265-8i, and there doesn't seem to be any conclusive information out there for putting that card into IT mode. The card is connected to the backplane with a single SFF-8087 cable, though the card has two SFF-8087 ports; the 20 or so SATA drives I have installed are visible in the controller UI, but it seems like the only solution to let unRAID see them is to create single-disk RAID volumes, which seems like a bad idea. According to unRAID, my motherboard is a X9DR3-F. Can anyone recommend an easy to find on ebay replacement card that would fit my use case? Cheers.
  3. It just seemed like a cleaner solution . I'll try to figure out with a daemon then. Thanks for the response!
  4. Darn, really? There's no way to make rclone accessible inside the docker?
  5. Has anyone had any luck getting the rclone plugin to work in conjunction with this docker? I'd love to be able to add a post-processing script to run rclone after something downloads, but I can't figure out how to actually pass rclone into the docker so that it can actually run it. Any ideas?
  6. I'd be eternally grateful if someone could get a template for Ampache, or even instructions to get one of the converted ones from Docker Hub working.
  7. Scottathon

    Turbo write

    Very interesting, I wasn't aware of this feature. Is there any reason to not enable this if I always keep my disks spinning?
  8. That would be greatly appreciated, and thank you for your work on this docker. This is a snippet from my Office.items file that works for WOL: Switch Desktop "Desktop" (Office) { wol=""} You'll have to change the ip address and the mac address to match the computer you're trying to wake up. Thank you! I mistakenly was starting to think that the first three parts of my openhab instance's IP address had to match that of the computer I was trying to wake, but it turns out that this was incorrect. Thanks again!
  9. That would be greatly appreciated, and thank you for your work on this docker.
  10. Thank you for the updates, Bungy. I've been able to get openhab running, and I'm probably going to buy way too much hardware now that I've got such a neat platform running. I've got an issue specific to openhab being run in a docker container though; I can't get Wake-On-Lan to work. According to ifconfig, docker is running on: docker0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet netmask broadcast The box I'm trying to hit is at with a netmask of I'm not 100% sure whether or not the failure is because of the docker's IP or the netmask. Is there some way I can choose the IP and netmask of the docker container?
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