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jbrodriguez last won the day on April 14

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  1. thanks for the heads up you should be ok uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin let me know if that doesn't work for you
  2. i'd say it's a bit odd, can you run `top` or `htop` to confirm that unbalanced is the one using that core at a 100% ?
  3. agree this is what i really wanted to point out: there's a closed source element in the loop of tailscale (the control server), i understand this is in line with the original concern from @Rysz as you mentioned, you can run a headscale server and remove the closed source component
  4. sorry to have brought you in @EDACerton🙏, i was really referring to the underlying app, tailscale itself, which isn't fully open source (https://tailscale.com/opensource#faqs)
  5. not at all, xz did make some waves 😮
  6. hey, that's a good question, i hadn't looked at it this way this plugin always had a closed source component, as it's mostly an extension of the mobile app it provides an api to some functionalities not readily available from unraid initially i implemented a role based access for the app (different users had different permissions), but this became too cumbersome with unraid's "one user (root)" implementation, so i dropped that the other "ui" functionality was to calculate the qrcode to add a server, but it was just too much to have a full ui just for that so, i moved the qrcode to the unraid plugin page i recently found a bug related to the qrcode data, it was always returning http protocol, even if the server was set to https, so i fixed the bug and decided to remove all the dead code and leave only the api services needed for the mobile app (which was always closed source) however i really hope to deprecate this plugin once unraid makes it's api publicly available P.S.: not sure about community app rules 🤷‍♂️, however there are some other plugins in the community apps that are not open source (tailscale comes to mind)
  7. IMPORTANT NOTICE if you're getting the following error for the controlr PLUGIN, please uninstall the plugin / then reinstall i had to change the location of the plg file and it causes this issue
  8. not really sure, from your experience it would seem it doesn't work
  9. IMPORTANT NOTICE if you're receiving the following error for the controlr plugin please uninstall the plugin / then reinstall i had to change the location of the plg file and it causes this issue
  10. hi, i'm not sure if wireguard allows for a broadcast packet to work correctly, a wakeup signal is a magic packet sent to the .255 address of the lan (, however each device on wireguard is set up in as "separate" network (, not sure if that packet will be forwarded from 2.1 to 1.255
  11. i missed this post 😮 could you try the newer version of the app ? it shows a different log (instead of [object Object]) does it work if you add the server via https (instead of http) + tailscale ip ? i'll probably be changing the input, so that a user can paste the browser url instead of splitting the url components
  12. right, those are 2 different folders, not sure why on the unbalanced ui, the selection comes as Movies/Music instead of Media/Music 🤷‍♂️
  13. there's something odd about your data, these folders can't be found by the operating system, when issuing a stat command 🤷‍♂️ if you run the following on the command line, does it work ? stat /mnt/disk1/Movies/Music but that's not the "it hangs spinning" problem, i think this isn't good, it means some value can't get converted to json format, i wonder if some size is getting misread by the os (given the os error above), this is what's probably causing the ui to hang, but can't tell for sure is that a healthy drive or it has some issues ? in any case, there's no data transfer happening, it's always coming up with "zero" bytes to transfer,
  14. select one of the items on the left sidebar (transfer operations), it will show a list of transfer rsync commands on the right pane
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