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Can't Connect to Crashplan anymore?


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Hi everyone,


I've worked on this for a while - and I'm just plain stuck.


My Crashplan was working great - headless - and I was able to connect to it with my Windows machine to check on it every once in a while... and I can't anymore.  Can't think of anything that could have changed anything - did have one power outage but Unraid booted fine afterward and did a successful parity check.  All drives look good.  (UnRaid Version 5.0-rc5)


  • The CrashPlan plugin (under settings on my "Tower") shows "CrashPlan is running."
  • The OpenSSH plugin (under settings on my "Tower") shows "OpenSSH is RUNNING."
  • Within Putty, I've setup a "Tunnel" setting a "Source Port" of 4200 and a Destination of localhost:4243 and clicked "Add" (though these settings don't seem to stick between Putty sessions)
  • I've confirmed that my c:\program files\crashplan\conf\ui.properties has the servicePort=4200
  • I connect with Putty, on Port 22 (SSH) and receive the login prompt.
  • I successfully login with "sshuser" and my password.


From there, I'm stuck - Crashplan on my Windows machine is unable to connect:  "Unable to connect to the backup engine, retry?"


Any ideas how I can troubleshoot this?





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I've had similar issues after installing new plug-ins and have had to go back to a previous backup of my flash drive.


Even then, yesterday didn't work and I fixed the Crashplan install by removing the install and starting over.


I restarted the unraid server without the crashplan plugin, removed all of the install (/mnt/cache/.crashplan in my case) and then re-installed from scratch.


The other thing to look out for is what version of crashplan do you have? I am new at this myself, but I understand Crashplan tries to upgrade itself and you need to make sure your plug-in references the right version with the correct checksum - there is a forum post here which I used:




In the end, starting over didn't cause any issues as anything you have already backed should be recognised.

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I am having the same problem after restarting my array for the first time since the successful install and backing up.


I do not think you should have to re-install the program each time the array goes down, so there must be another way to solve the issue permanently.  A first start is to verify that the OpenSSH plugin is working correctly (which mine is), meaning you can login with putty using your openSSHuser with a SSH connect type, correct?


Having different versions of Crashplan I imagine might cause problems, but I assume you're running 3.2.1 on all systems right now.

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I agree you shouldn't have to re-install Crashplan but the last time I had an issue, I couldn't get it working again and so I started from scratch and it worked.


On my system, OpenSSH was working fine, and I could log in with putty with the specified user. The Crashplan application reported it was working but neither the Crashplan GUI plugin reported it was working, and the front-end on my windows machine couldn't connect to it. In addition, looking at the Crashplan web page, it said it hadn't been connected for an amount of time.


I think most people should be running 3.2.1 but if I remember correctly, the plugin referenced the old version and so when it tried to update itself it stopped working.



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Hi Everyone,


The problem persists.  I tried re-installing CrashPlan (noting that there is now a newer version than I had loaded: Now 3.2.1 instead of 3.0.3).  Everything seemed to install fine (no errors).  I did a clean shutdown and fired everything back up.


I have exactly the same results - cannot connect to CrashPlan, though the GUI says it is running.  OpenSSH appears to be running according to the GUI - and I'm able to login with my SSH username/password combo.


CrashPlan's website confirms CrashPlan isn't working - my UnRaid box hasn't connected in 17 days.


I suspect a "forced CrashPlan upgrade" is what killed it... but I can't get it going again.  Argh...


Any other ideas?  I know nothing about Linux - how would I uninstall like some have suggested?  :-)





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Did a bit more work tonight - installed the newest version of the GUI for CrashPlan.


Now I notice that in the UnRaid menu, under Settings--> Crashplan - it shows CrashPlan is Running...  BUT


there's an option I never noticed before, under Utils--> User Applications--> CrashPlan it shows that CrashPlan is NOT running.  And when I click Start, it won't start - no messages/errors or anything, it just stays "Not Running."  Here's the other details it shares:


Version: 3.2.1 Version Date: 2012-03-27

Backup Location: /mnt/disk1/.crashplan/cp_bin/backupArchives/ Crashplan Edition: PLUS


Any ideas on what to try next?  (I still don't know how to uninstall so I could reinstall from scratch).





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It also says something like this under Utils, correct?

"CrashPlan appears to be installed in: /usr/local/crashplan/bin/CrashPlanEngine"

(despite you having crashplan installed elsewhere?)


I assume you tried clicking "Start" here but nothing happened?  I'm having this same issue after I installed the SimpleFeatures plugin, and even though I don't think that would be linked, did you too just recently install SimpleFeatures?


BTW, to uninstall a plugin:

(1) in the unRAID webGUI, switch Enable PLUGIN_NAME = No

(2) telnet into server and remove the directories where files were installed, e.g.,

# rm -rf /mnt/cache/.apps/crashplan/ /mnt/cache/.apps/crashplan_gui/

-Be sure to save the backup directory

-files in the ram will disappear next time you re-start the server

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I don't know anything about the new crashplan plugin, but login via ssh and run :


ps aux | grep java


And look for a java process that is 'crashplan-esque'.


For info mine looks like this :


# ps aux | grep java
root     23020  0.5  7.4 815516 618680 ?       SNl  Oct21  10:08 /usr/local/crashplan/java/bin/java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dapp=CrashPlanService -DappBaseName=CrashPlan -Xms20m -Xmx512m -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Dsun.net.inetaddr.ttl=300 -Dnetworkaddress.cache.ttl=300 -Dsun.net.inetaddr.negative.ttl=0 -Dnetworkaddress.cache.negative.ttl=0 -classpath /usr/local/crashplan/lib/com.backup42.desktop.jar:/usr/local/crashplan/lang com.backup42.service.CPService


This will tell you if it's *actually* running or not. It sounds like this could just be a discrepancy in how the plugin checks to see if crashplan is running. I would double check using the above before relying 100% on the plugins report.


If it isn't running then chances are it's starting up - thus the plugin is registering it running - then crashing soon after, which the plugin isn't picking up. This isn't unusual for crashplan and can be for a few reasons - but we'll cross that bridge if that seems to be the problem. Crashplan also automatically updates, if you found yours wasn't up to date this would also gel with it not starting as it would never be able to autoupdate.


..or the update could be the thing causing the problem as crashplan tries to auto install it!


Post back with the results of your ps aux and we'll go from there. The crashplan logging is very verbose so we should be able to figure it out.

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Hi boof,


Thanks for the help - I only get one line when I enter that:


sshuser 13815 0.0 0.0 2448 584 pts/0 S+ 08:14 0:00 grep java


Looks like it's not running, by my guess.  (And while Simple Features isn't new on this machine, I am running it, if that makes a difference)


Looking for CrashPlan logs.  :-)



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Looks to be a lot of info in the logs, which are loaded on my system at \\tower\disk1\.crashplan\cp_bin-log  (Note the period before crashplan).


What are we looking for?  :-)


Here's a few details I found:  last line of backup_files.log.0 shows:

I 10/04/12 11:29AM 42 [Default] Completed backup to CrashPlan Central in < 1 minute: 11 files (58.20MB) backed up, 693KB encrypted and sent @ 1.8Mbps [52,2971,1574140,2924,23,837,794]


No backup since then, it appears.


The service.log.0 file shows a lot of lines like this, since about 10/3:

[10.03.12 18:19:50.457 DEBUG  RPConnWrk-DefaultGro com.code42.peer.PeerGroup              ] PG::DefaultGroup RemotePeer not allowed to connect, missing PbK. RemotePeer-[guid=406688547864051812, state=NEW, mode=HOST, location=, public=, transportPbK=null, connecting=0, connected=0, attempts=0, connectActivity=2012-09-15T08:38:01:014, keepAliveSent=0, minRetry=26011, retryDelay=0, reflector=na, #nat=0, session=null]


Missing pbk line has no matches in google.  :-(


Looks like "last modified date" on all my log files is no newer than 10/4/2012.


I'm looking to the experts - Crashplan is basically the only important non-core feature I need, but I don't have much on my Unraid for this reason.  I have Unraid 5.0-rc5, I think I have the Simple Features, CrashPlan, OpenSSH, and DropBox (all via plugin).


Within the GUI, I noticed there's a Crashplan log under Utils-->plugins-->CrashPlan.  It doesn't say much that I can identify:

Start: October 22, 2012 and then a few commands:

CMD: mkdir -p /mnt/disk1/.crashplan/cp_bin

CMD: mkdir -p /mnt/disk1/.crashplan/identity

CMD: rm -rf /usr/local/crashplan

CMD: rm -rf /var/lib/crashplan

CMD: ln -s /mnt/disk1/.crashplan/cp_bin /usr/local/crashplan

CMD: ln -s /mnt/disk1/.crashplan/identity /var/lib/crashplan

End: October 22,2012 (same exact second as the start time)


To answer Andrew's questions:


In my Utils, I don't have an icon for CrashPlan anymore (perhaps since last reboot?).


I do have an icon under Settings for CrashPlan still (shows Enabled:Yes and an install location of /mnt/disk1/.crashplan, which I believe is accurate.


I need help from the Pros.  What should I do next?  :-)






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Remove the logs and start crashplan. Then paste the logs up here. They're incredibly verbose so pulling one line out of them might not help - they log lots of general crashplan internal activities all of which don't make much sense. We want a log snippet from crashplan starting - to it falling over which it seems to be doing given it's not running. I don't know what the line you pasted means but it doesn't look to describe an error that would cause crashplan to close down.


Again, I don't know the format of the install the plugin does but find the CrashPlanEngine binary (usually in the bin/ subdir) and './CrashPlanEngine start' to kick it off. Then keep an eye on the log files.






would all be useful.

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Thanks boof.


I didn't know how to start CrashPlan, so I did some searching here and found a suggestion to try this from a Telnet/Putty session:


/usr/local/crashplan/bin/CrashPlanEngine start


I was told "Permission denied"


A little more searching and I figured out that I should try running these two lines:

chmod -x /usr/local/crashplan/bin/CrashPlanEngine

/usr/local/crashplan/bin/CrashPlanEngine start


The system replied with "OK".


Yay, I have some logs - I have an "engine_output.log" file that was created but is totally empty... and I have an engine_error.log" shown here:


nice: /usr/local/crashplan/jre/bin/java: Permission denied


LOL, it says "nice"!  So, trying to chmod on that...


chmod -x /usr/local/crashplan/jre/bin/java


Then tried to restart it again:


/usr/local/crashplan/bin/CrashPlanEngine start


Replied with "Starting CrashPlan Engine . . .  Using standard startup      OK"


I deleted the logs and started Crashplan again and the logs populate with the same message - so I must be having a Permission issue with java?


Running the CHMOD from the SSH login doesn't work at all - "chmod: changing permissions of '/usr/local/crashplan/jre/bin/java': Operation not permitted"  Not sure if I need to run it there or not - and not sure how to get the proper permissions on reboot.


Oh, running "ps aux | grep java" still returns nothing about Crashplan, just this:

root 10186 0.0 0.0 2448 584 pts/0 S+ 15:54 0:00 grep java


No connection from my Windows machine - but I think that's because CrashPlan isn't successfully launching.


Next ideas?  :-)


Thanks so much for the help,



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What does 'ls -la /usr/local/crashplan/jre/bin' show?


chmod -x will remove execute permissions which probably isn't what you want to do. But execute permissions may not be the missing permission anyway.


Sounds like you want to review the permissions on your entire crashplan tree - but the immediate sticking point is obviously java.


chmod 777 /usr/local/crashplan/jre/bin/java


Would be the nuclear option to give full permissions to anyone and everything on it. You probably want to figure out the actual problem instead though.

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Thanks boof,


I know almost zippo about Linux, so I'm just running commands other suggest (provided they don't seem like they'll wipe out my system).  The "ls - la" command gave a whole ton of results (I stripped out the dates to save a little time typing):


total 732

drwxrxwx--- 2 nobotd users    408  ./

drwxrxwx--- 7 nobody users    328  ../

lrwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users    10    ControlPanel -? ./jcontrol

-rw-rw---- 1 nobody users 47308    java

-rw-rw---- 1 nobody users 25634 java_vm

-rw-rw---- 1 nobody users 84970 javaws

-rw-rw---- 1 nobody users 47447 keytool

-rw-rw---- 1 nobody users 47679 orbd

-rw-rw---- 1 nobody users 47515 pack200

-rw-rw---- 1 nobody users 47807 policytool

-rw-rw---- 1 nobody users 47447 rmid

-rw-rw---- 1 nobody users 47447 rmiregistry

-rw-rw---- 1 nobody users 47475 servertool

-rw-rw---- 1 nobody users 47679 tnameserv

-rw-rw---- 1 nobody users 189274 unpack200


Ran the chmod 777 you suggested and tried to rerun CrashPlan with:

/usr/local/crashplan/bin/CrashPlanEngine start


It seemed to start and I have a ton of log files...  I closed my Putty sessions and recreated the SSH putty with the Port Forwarding (which doesn't seem to stick, even if I save)... and my Windows machine connected!!!  :-)


CrashPlan is currently scanning!  :-)


You rock Boof!  :-)  (hopefully these notes will help Andrew and others)


So, how do I make sure everything will return to this wonderful state of wonderfulness if I need to restart my UnRaid someday?  Is there anything else you recommend I investigate in light of this?







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I know almost zippo about Linux, so I'm just running commands other suggest (provided they don't seem like they'll wipe out my system).  The "ls - la" command gave a whole ton of results (I stripped out the dates to save a little time typing):


You typed that lot out!? Copy and paste! :)


So, how do I make sure everything will return to this wonderful state of wonderfulness if I need to restart my UnRaid someday?  Is there anything else you recommend I investigate in light of this?


First up - tidy up the java permissions.


chmod 771 /usr/local/crashplan/java/bin/java


That's an odd permission set to have, but not unsensible and it's what my install has set itself to. Don't worry that won't affect your running crashplan or break it at next restart (presuming nothing else changes). You probably would have fixed it yourself previously if you'd done chmod +x instead of -x. You were removing the execute permission - which wasn't there in the first place I suspect.


As to why it's like that - I don't know.


Two options spring immediately to mind :


- Crashplan has updated the java it distributes and in doing so hasn't set permissions correctly. Not sure how likely this is - the java binary in my crashplan installation is date stamped 2009.


- Where is your install? in memory or local disk? Does this depend on the plugin config? It could be the plugin hasn't set permissions correctly for whatever reason.


I can't help there I'm afraid.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had this problem again this week after I restored a backup of my USB boot. When I looked at the CrashPlan plugin it reported that it was running, but the GUI reported it wasn't. Connecting to the service via PUTTY and the crashplan client didn't work as it couldn't connect to the CrashPlan engine.


The way I solved it was to delete the installation folder from the cache drive and then restart the server. This then re-installed CrashPlan and I could then connect as before. I had to adopt the backup for he CrashPlan client to work properly but it's up and running again.

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Hi Phil,


My steps - above - did get this working...  but mine won't fire automatically at restart.  I need to login with two sessions of Putty - one as admin and run this command:  "/usr/local/crashplan/bin/CrashPlanEngine start"


And then the other session via SSL if I want to connect from my windows machine's CrashPlan GUI and see the current progress.  (This SSL session doesn't have the permissions to launch the command above.)


Surely there must be a way to add the first command to my UnRaid startup?  :-)





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I think the problem is that CrashPlan auto updates itself and then it doesn't work properly after that.

The new version is 3.41 and you need to update the plugin to reference the new version and the new md5 checksum.


I make no bones - this should be the original plugin which I have amended with the new values. I got it working by removing the existing installation on the .cache drive and the crashplan folder in flash\config\plugins. Re-start without crashplan (remove the existing plugin) and then copy the new one in and install it.


I had to re-adopt the backup but that worked fine and didn't need to re-send any files to crashplan and now appears to be working ok.


Interestingly, I didn't initially update the client on my windows PC and it worked fine. I have now updated the client.


Unfortunately, my lack of knowledge of how this works means that I don't really know why when Crashplan auto updates it stops working but I know in unraid 4.7 we used to run a script on startup which would tar the current version - I don't know if we need to do this with the plugin. Maybe someone with a bit more knowledge can help.



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