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PogoPlug and unRAID


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I did this a while ago and just wanted to share if anybody is interested or wants to go farther with it.




Did some tinkering around with Pogoplug today. I was really interested to see if I could even connect to it. Well Guess what you can. ;)


1. First off you need a PogoPlug.

2. Get the app here to connect.

3. Its assumed you have an account with them. If not you will need to.

3. I used the instructions from here, but I'm going to more or less show you anyways below



I just created a mount point here for testing /mnt/pogoplug,

mkdir /mnt/pogoplug


This is the command I used to mount the PogoPlug to unRAID

./pogoplugfs --user your_email_address_here --password your_password_here --mountpoint /mnt/pogoplug 


This is the output of the above command. I'm going to tweak some of it just incase there is somethings that shouldn't be seen.


root@Tower:/boot# ./pogoplugfs --user your_email_address_here --password your_password_here --mountpoint /mnt/pogoplug &
[1] 29505
root@Tower:/boot# [230749.003][307718][CEFSAP][08] **********************************************
[230749.003][307718][CEFSAP][08] **********************************************
[230749.003][307718][CEFSAP][08] **********************************************
[230749.003][307718][CEFSAP][08] Application Started [VERSION 'LINUX GENERIC -' 'GENERIC - 0.80']
[230749.003][307718][CEFSAP][08] Property mode:
[230749.003][307718][CEFSAP][08]   SVCURL:      http://service.pogoplug.com/svc/api
[230749.003][307718][CEFSAP][08]   SVCFILEURL:  http://service.pogoplug.com/svc/files
[230749.003][307718][bRHTTP][02] RECONNECTING 0x816b4c0
[230749.364][307718][bRHTTP][08] Verifying SSL certificate of peer...
[230749.364][307718][bRHTTP][08] Error with certificate at depth: 3
[230749.364][307718][bRHTTP][08]     subject: /L=ValiCert Validation Network/O=ValiCert, Inc./OU=ValiCert Class 2 Policy Validation Authority/CN=http://www.valicert.com//[email protected]
[230749.364][307718][bRHTTP][08]     issuer:  /L=ValiCert Validation Network/O=ValiCert, Inc./OU=ValiCert Class 2 Policy Validation Authority/CN=http://www.valicert.com//[email protected]
[230749.364][307718][bRHTTP][08]     error:   19:self signed certificate in certificate chain
[230749.364][307718][bRHTTP][08] Verifying SSL certificate of peer...
[230749.364][307718][bRHTTP][08] Verifying SSL certificate of peer...
[230749.364][307718][bRHTTP][08] Verifying SSL certificate of peer...
[230749.364][307718][bRHTTP][08] Verifying SSL certificate of peer...
[230749.481][307718][bRHTTP][08] SSL Connection complete using cipher: AES256-SHA
[230749.481][307718][bRHTTP][08] SSL Server certificate:
[230749.481][307718][bRHTTP][08]     subject: /O=*.pogoplug.com/OU=Domain Control Validated/CN=*.pogoplug.com
[230749.481][307718][bRHTTP][08]     issuer:  /C=US/ST=Arizona/L=Scottsdale/O=GoDaddy.com, Inc./OU=http://certificates.godaddy.com/repository/CN=Go Daddy Secure Certification Authority/serialNumber=07969287
[230749.769][307718][CEFSAP][08] Logged in as 'your_email_address_here' -> '0tVJJ2es2m4YOicZOFFHQxC0KC_8LtYiAA123545WFREW3423FEWE324SDFQWEQ234WERW'


I connected to the mount and saw this.

root@Tower:/boot# cd /mnt/
root@Tower:/mnt# ls
disk1/  disk2/  disk3/  disk4/  pogoplug/  user/
root@Tower:/mnt# cd pogoplug/
root@Tower:/mnt/pogoplug# ls
Files\ shared\ with\ me/  USBStick/
root@Tower:/mnt/pogoplug# cd USBStick/
root@Tower:/mnt/pogoplug/USBStick# ls
4Fred/  4show/  Droid_1/  Jeep\ Maps/  Kamee/  Larry/  Misc/  Photos/  Uploads/  Wells/  p90x/  tpc/


These are folders I have at the root of my USBStick


4Fred/  4show/  Droid_1/  Jeep\ Maps/  Kamee/  Larry/  Misc/  Photos/  Uploads/  Wells/  p90x/  tpc/


Looks like I'll have to remove spaces with either _ or just combine to keep syncing errors down.


So it looks like you can very well connect your PogoPlug to unRAID with a few commands. The reason I'm interested it would give me the chance to upload photos to my pogoplug and then sync with my photo folder on unRAID and the other way.


I'm not sure what is the best location to mount or honestly I haven't really checked permissions lol. Nevermind I just did I can create things it appears on the pogoplug via console.


Any recommendations on where I should mount? It would be kinda cool if I could mount it in around as a share so I could just have access to the plug via Linux without using PogoPlugs app that creates a virtual P drive.


killall pogoplugfs

Appears to kill the connection or the app. I tried to use umount, but it didn't seem to respond to that very well, but that killall command seems to shut it down.


root@Tower:/boot# killall pogoplugfs
[232404.184][307597][HBFUSE][08] Fuse loop exited: 0
root@Tower:/boot# [232404.223][307597][CEFSAP][08] Application Gracefully exiting...
[232404.223][307597][CEFSAP][08] **********************************************
[232404.223][307597][CEFSAP][08] **********************************************


I haven't addressed shutting down PogoPlug prior to an array shutdown since from what Joe L. said the array wouldn't properly shutdown with something mounted the way it is.


BRiT suggested the following, but I haven't tinkered with it yet.

If you only care about tieing into a full system shutdown then you can do two things. First is merely hook into /etc/rc.d/rc.local_shutdown. Just stop your own items before it calls out to powerdown as /etc/rc.d/rc.unRAID. Though if you don't mind modifying that larger script (/etc/rc.d/rc.unRAID), you can insert your lines in the unRAID_stop() function after it stops cache_dirs and before it stops vmware.


If anybody wants to help continue this or make some suggestions I'd gladly keep this thread updated.

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  • 2 months later...

Thanks for the feedback. So you can see your shares via the mypogoplug interface?


I have a share named pogo. I was able to write a 2,101,882 KB file via the pogoplug windows interface. Just transferred a file with web interface. It worked also.




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  • 1 year later...

Found this for starters.



Here is the app. Its off my machine and I don't currently know where its being hosted else wise. Let me know if you have any issues with it. I don't provide support or anything for it, but I do happen to just have a copy of it. ;)



I'm uploading the original file now


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