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realtek RTL8111B chip supported ?


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I have been reading up on unraid, and would like to start building a server using this system. However the documentation on unraid is very little, no up to date hardware list no screenshots from the interface, and quite some problems in the forums with nic's. Normally i test stuff like unraid on vmware, but as unraid boots from usb this did not work for me.


Most important question before i plunge a lot of money on a server is : Does unraid support the RTL8111b realtek lan chip that is on most motherboards at this moment ?


The motherboard list on this forum lists all kinds of old hardware that is very difficult to find. For unraid to gain more acceptance it would really help if there was a list of supported >current< hardware.

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Just a comment here as to the Wiki:  With the inclusion in recent unRAID versions of very up-to-date Linux kernel releases, hardware compatibility has become broad enough that I think the Wiki emphasis should now be on what is NOT compatible, rather than a limited and aging hardware compatibility list.  I know of only 1 network adapter that is currently not compatible with the latest unRAID version, and that is temporary, and it IS compatible with an older unRAID version.  There have been very few reports of other hardware that are not compatible.  Until otherwise stated, it is probably better to assume a hardware component IS compatible with unRAID.  This at least should apply to readily found, non-esoteric hardware.


I in no way wish to detract from the credit due those who have contributed so much to the Wiki.  But change happens, time has marched on, etc, etc ...


The current Wiki hardware lists were helpful in the past, but without lots of participation (I'm as guilty as any), appears to me to have lost its usefulness, and even become misleading, if it leads some to believe unRAID has a limited compatibility list.  It certainly seems to have been very unhelpful to the original poster here.


I confess to still being ignorant of wiki editing procedures, with no real excuse, but perhaps someone could make the appropriate changes.  In addition, reports of hardware incompatibilities should be strongly encouraged.  On the other hand, reports of working hardware are and will always be useful, especially to new users.


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