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Beauty Build - ASRock 880GM-LE


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Since Raj's latest prototype design chosen motherboard is nowhere to be found, I went with the ASRock 880GM-LE. So far so good, however I'm not an Unraid expert and would appreciate any input in the attached syslog.

Preclear was perfect. I transfered about 1.5 TB of movies already (mostly blu-ray) and I watched a couple of them using a popcorn hour A-200 without a single issue. Yeah, wife wasn't happy this weekend.


OS at time of building: unRAID 4.7 Basic

CPU: 2.7 GHz AMD Sempron 140

Motherboard: ASRock 880GM-LE

RAM: 2 GB Kingston DDR3-1333 (KVR1333D3N9/2G)

Case: Fractal Design Define R3 SE White

Drive Cage(s): N/A

Power Supply: Corsair Builder Series CMPSU-430CXV2 430W

SATA Expansion Card(s): N/A

USB Flash Drive: Kingston DataTraveler 101 G2 8GB

Fans: All stock fans


Parity Drive: 2 TB Green EARS

Data Drives: 2 TB WD Green EARS (1), 1.5 TB WD Green EARS (1, not added yet).

Cache Drive: None

Total Drive Capacity: 8 Drives


Primary Use: media streaming to Popcorn hour A-200 and other computers

Likes: Very quiet.

Dislikes: Nada

Add Ons Used: preclear, unMenu, Mail and SSMTP.

Future Plans: Add more data drives, buy UnRAID Pro Version.






I think the following errors were related to the EXT2FSD program (driver) used in my main windows computer to tranfer my movies from a popcorn hour to the server. The main computer was unresponsive when I woke up in the morning. As a result of this the network connection with the computer may have been interrupted.

Any advice is appreciate it!

1. While I was transfering 1TB of movies from my popcorn hour internal hard drive overnight, the syslog showed some errors (2nd attached), however the movies were all transfered and the UnRaid Server was running.

2. while navigating through the Unmenu options, Unmenu lost connection with the server.


Can I trust this build to add more hard drives?



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Nice build!  I'm glad you had more luck with that Asrock board than I did (I had two DOA in a row...see here for more details).


Your syslogs look pretty normal to me.  I do see the call trace at the end of the second syslog, but I don't know how to interpret it, perhaps someone else can take a look at it.


You also might want to try running your server on a static IP instead of DHCP.  I've found that my server becomes much more reliable when using a static IP.  unMenu seems to work better as well.

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Thanks you guys for the advice about the static IP address. I followed the wiki procedure, is it that everything? or I need to setup something in the Router? and what's the difference between the wiki procedure and using the Server Management Utility to make changes?


So I'm ready to add the next drive!, I will run one more parity check over night just in case.



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What I normally do is the following.


In my router I normally establish a band of IP addresses to reserve for example.


The rest is open to be handed out. Of of course I don't have 30 wireless devices in my house, but I figure I'll give them room to breath. The remaining machines I add dynamically.


Then set your Static IP's on your machines you don't want to change.

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OK, I have my server running on a static IP. The following tips may be useful and save some time for a newbie like me in the future.

When you change your server to a static IP and is not showing in your network places in windows 7, just type:

\\tower in windows explorer, note that isn't internet explorer and is "\\" not "//"  ;)


My server now holds almost 3T and 3 hard drives. I haven't had a single issue and parity is good. The latest syslog is attached.


Is this motherboard ready for Level 1 certification?

Is there any other "benchmark" that i should run to make sure that everything is OK?




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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

That case is really slick. I'm using the same mobo, but just started setting up. How's it been holding up for you?


The motherboard has been solid, not a single issue.


It's been a solid budget motherboard for me, good quality.

Sent from my SPH-M900 using Tapatalk

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