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Preclear not successful in new UnRAID build [SOLVED]

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Hello, noob here .. i apologize this post probably won't have everything needed to get my problem fixed but i just started the setup process for unraid, put all my disks into the array (most have been used for 1 year or so now as windows shares), and started the preclear process. 3/4 went fine, one came up and said preclear not successful. i've attached a screenshot of hte error from screen, but i'm not sure how to get a full text log. i can't get the SMART report to work for some reason. again, i apologize, don't know much about what i'm doing. i attached the system log from unmenu, not sure if that's helpful or not....


i started a preclear on the drive again in case it was just a mistake... do the errors shown indicate a failed drive? or something else...?



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If the temp listed there is the HDD temp, I would suspect it overheated.


But I am also relative noob for this kind of stuff. wait for the brilliant people to chip in.

The raw value is the temp.  It is fine (37C).  The issue is all the expected 0000 returned XXXXX.


The post-read verify expected all zeros.  Lots of other junk was being returned instead.


It might be the disk itself, or the disk controller, or the power supply, or memory, or memory is not set with its appropriate voltage, timing, or clock speed.


In any case, it will drive you bananas if you tried to verify parity with that type of error, as random bytes are being returned from the disk.


Step 1.  Run a memory test, preferably overnight.  No errors should appear.    If they do, verify the memory voltage, timing, and clock speed are as needed by your specific make and model RAM. (Most BIOS set them correctly, some do not)


Joe L.

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Just think, for a year or so you've been blaming random errors and crashes on Microsoft.  (and not all of them were their fault  8))


Joe L.


haha you present so many different things that it could be. exhausting. when i read about unraid it sounded so much more manageable, it's turning into such a headache. can't wait to get this thing off the ground.


anyways... this machine is brand new! built it just for the unraid box; have a separate computer that the drives used to run in. ram, mobo, psu, cpu- all brand new. obviously that doesn't mean there can't be errors but...


could it really be an error on one of those things? the other three preclears ran just fine, came back and said it was successful. if it was a problem with the hardware wouldn't it have caused similar issues with those?


now to figure out how to run a memory test through unraid...


unfortunately i have to be away from my computer all weekend, this stuff will probably be fairly difficult to do by remoting in on my phone haha

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Just think, for a year or so you've been blaming random errors and crashes on Microsoft.  (and not all of them were their fault  8))


Joe L.


haha you present so many different things that it could be. exhausting. when i read about unraid it sounded so much more manageable, it's turning into such a headache. can't wait to get this thing off the ground.

I know.  The post-read phase was added to the preclear script after another user found a disk that acted up after being assigned to the array.  It would randomly return various values for the same data blocks.  (almost like some Microsoft Products)    It drove him crazy, as he had to first isolate the disk causing the random parity errors.

anyways... this machine is brand new! built it just for the unraid box; have a separate computer that the drives used to run in. ram, mobo, psu, cpu- all brand new. obviously that doesn't mean there can't be errors but...


could it really be an error on one of those things? the other three preclears ran just fine, came back and said it was successful. if it was a problem with the hardware wouldn't it have caused similar issues with those?

Yes, it is most likely the disk itself or the disk controller port it is connected to, but you can swap ports and see if the issue follows the port, or stays on the same disk.

now to figure out how to run a memory test through unraid...

That is easy, when you reboot unRAID the first thing you see (after the BIOS) is a screen that allows you to either run the memory test or start the unRAID server.  You have a few seconds there to choose the memory test before it defaults to running unRAID.


Let the memory test run at least 1 full cycle, but preferably overnight.  There should be zero errors.


In any case, just be happy you are not trying to isolate random parity errors with a number of disks involved, as then it could be any one (or more) of them, or anything else previously mentioned.


Joe L.

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OK... so being as it were that i was going to be gone all weekend i figured I would toss the disk with unsuccessful test through another preclear cycle, just to see if it returned the same thing or not... the odd thing is, this time it was successful.


any thoughts? should i have concerns here? should i proceed and just build the array (onward and upward?)?



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the other drives all ran preclear fine the first time, four of them (2tb each).


and yeah, i had to wait for my unraid registration file last night anyways when i got home so i set memtest to run... it was still going in the morning on test 8 or so, but 0 errors so far.


i should probably note that toward the end of the preclear cycles (i ran all four at once) i did start the fifth drive up, so maybe that screwed up the preclear of the other drive? but it may have already been failed at that point, i can't remember. i do know that the wiki said not to run more than 4 at once but i figured it'd be alright during the post-read cycle... maybe i'm just dumb hah

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Well i believe running too many at once will use up too much memory, so yeah, maybe thats what happened.  The most I've ever run at once was three and I probably won't do that again.

The post-read is where it is using the MOST memory, as it has to verify what was written.    You might have exhausted your memory by running 5 without limiting the resources the preclear was using by use of the "-r" "-w" and "-b" options.


Joe L.

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So the array seems to have built ok, and I mapped it to windows to try copying some items into the share and it started doing so then crashed, and seems to have crashed my Internet. Can't get a connection through pc on ethernet, and wifi doesn't work either.. Currently writing this on my phone. Tried power cycling router and modem and the usual beasts, restarting machines, etc etc, but nothing is working. Didn't expect this to be easy but wasn't hoping it'd be this hard haha...

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i'll have to mess with it later when i get home from work. this morning when i checked briefly it looked like the machine had reconnected ok, but i'm not sure. remote services aren't working on my phone at the moment which is suspicious.


have cable. not sure what you mean by "does it show" but there's lights on and such if that's what you mean. or i can log into the router from browser of course, but none of that was working last night. it could have been a coincidence, but that seems unlikely to me. happened right as i tried to copy a small file into the server share (which failed).

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Does it show via the web browser is what I mean.  For instance, I have the following setup:


Cable Modem--> Netgear Router


I can open a web browser for the netgear router and it will show me if I am connected to the internet.


The lights should also show if it is connected to the internet, but I don't really trust those.


From the unraid console, if you run ethtool eth0, what are the results?  For example, here is what I get:


ethtool eth0

Settings for eth0:

Supported ports: [ MII ]

Supported link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full

                        100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full


Supports auto-negotiation: Yes

Advertised link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full

                        100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full


Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes

Speed: 1000Mb/s

Duplex: Full

Port: MII


Transceiver: external

Auto-negotiation: on

Supports Wake-on: g

Wake-on: d

Link detected: yes



What about ifconfig, what comes back? For example, here is what I get back:



eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:01:2e:32:1c:20 

          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:


          RX packets:4183968 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0

          TX packets:3134867 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000

          RX bytes:553000981 (527.3 MiB)  TX bytes:2135741201 (1.9 GiB)

          Interrupt:27 Base address:0x6000


lo        Link encap:Local Loopback 

          inet addr:  Mask:

          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1

          RX packets:238 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0

          TX packets:238 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0

          RX bytes:17162 (16.7 KiB)  TX bytes:17162 (16.7 KiB)



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alright i've run those tests and such.. i'm going to post them in a new topic though with more full explanation because it's a totally different issue. marking this one solved, thank you all so much for your help in getting my disks online! now to fix this new issue... :)


it actually kills my internet each time i try to transfer a file into the share. it's wild.

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