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Safari doesn't have site specific popup blocking / whitelisting.


Even the iPad didn't work unless I disabled all popups from the settings. This isn't ideal though.

I have a build ready that *should* be completely popup free when in appFeed mode (at least it doesn't trigger Chrome / Firefox / IE's popup blocker -> unable to test in Safari).  It actually significantly simplified the rendering code, so it will become standard on the next release.  If you (anyone) wants to try it out, let me know.
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Safari doesn't have site specific popup blocking / whitelisting.


Even the iPad didn't work unless I disabled all popups from the settings. This isn't ideal though.

I have a build ready that *should* be completely popup free when in appFeed mode (at least it doesn't trigger Chrome / Firefox / IE's popup blocker -> unable to test in Safari).  It actually significantly simplified the rendering code, so it will become standard on the next release.  If you (anyone) wants to try it out, let me know.


Definitely interested in trying it out.


As it stands, I can't get it to work at all unless I disable all pop-up blocking in Safari. Not quite sure what's going on.


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Just an FYI


As of August 6, docker changed the way their registry website works.  As far as CA is concerned, the conversion routines now longer are operational due to (as far as I can tell), there is no way to actually download the "raw" dockerfile to scrape it for the volumes / ports, etc.  Additionally, I don't see anywhere in the docker API how you can grab the dockerfile either. 


(If anyone knows how to accomplish downloading the raw dockerfile if you're not the repository owner, please let me know)


A little bit of testing, and I am able to scrape the actual webpage and get the raw dockerfile.  However, I'm going to hold off on releasing any updates to CA until the next phase is alot closer to completion - namely a GUI similar to how CA operates now for dockerHub searches.


Nothing is ever easy in life...


EDIT: this only affects the dockerhub search and conversion.  The normal operations of CA are not affected

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just wanted to pop in - previos V5 user.



having discovered CA just a few minutes earlier - i am AMAZED at how awesome it makes unraid.


actually it is tempting me to go an bug limetech for a secondary usb key just to allow me to play around :D



Keep up the good work  Squid and guys!!



i had a DOH!! moment with my first addon begin kodi-headless. clicking create on chrome gave no result. only when i moved to firefox did i see a small notification saying that more details is needed before i can add. Clicked on advanced settings, and voila - i could add the parameters as requested by the docker.

*happy days*

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As of August 6, docker changed the way their registry website works.


What you should have said....


As of August 6, docker made their registry website pretty much unusable.


Haha that's spot on.


They tried to make the new site responsive, but messed up. You can't even login on mobile, because the menu button (three lines) doesn't work, lol. On desktop, you can just resize your browser window to make it really narrow, until you see the three line menu button and click on it. Nothing happens



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Updated to 2015.08.09


- Hotfix for malformed templates

- Removed requirement for popups to be enabled when in appFeed mode

- Removed dockerSearch and Convert due to changes on docker Hub's website.  A replacement full GUI is currently in progress


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Updated to 2015.08.12


Hot fix for 6.1 RC-3


Note:  Certain aspects of this plugin are now no longer compatible with 6.1RC-2 (6.0, 6.01, 6.1RC-1, and 6.1RC-3 are fully compatible).  This is namely the popup descriptions, changelogs, and credits.  Everything else is still compatible. 


6.1RC-2 was a bit of an aberration in that some of the dynamix routines that I utilize no longer allowed code execution from my scripts folder.  Instead they had to be situation within a system folder (/usr/sbin).  6.1RC-3 has removed that restriction.


Due to the rather extensive testing required to support to test this plugin with the latest stable releases (namely 6.01) and all of the release candidates (not to mention the actual code to adjust the plugin's operation to the version of unRaid being used), going forward I am only going to test and fix errors on this plugin for the latest stable version and the latest release candidates / beta versions.


I don't think that this is going to be a big deal, as I don't think that Tom is going to be making anymore adjustments to code execution that will be affecting me.


Unless of course someone can give me a good reason as to why I should support RC-2.



Just some history here:


6.1RC-1 - Reorganized some of the underlying docker files that I rely upon for a dependency.  Update required.

6.1RC-2 - Was the beginning of the security enhancements for the unRaid UI to prevent arbitrary code execution.  Because of the restrictions placed upon where certain dynamix functions could execute from, an update was required.

6.1RC-3 - Relaxed the security restrictions for certain dynamix functions such that it was easier for plugins to operate.  Because the method used to have this plugin operate under 6.1RC-2 now violates best practice (rightfully so), today's update is required(As an aside, today's update basically undoes the changes I was required to make in RC-2)



EDIT:  Thought about it, and added back in RC-2 Compatibility



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Unless of course someone can give me a good reason as to why I should support RC-2.


Because I like being awkward, remember the table view?  ;D


Don't worry Squid, I'm already on RC3 and Sparkly I think is waiting until final release..  ;)


yeah, i normally participate in betas. but for this one i'm holding out for a final realease.

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Don't worry Squid, I'm already on RC3 and Sparkly I think is waiting until final release..  ;)

Ah now its confirmed...  CHBMB and Sparklyballs are the only two users of this plugin...  Guess I can stop development now....  8)


No, it's just we're the only awkward ones that give you more work.. (recent code restructuring aside  ;D )

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lol.  Why is it that of all the threads on the forums here, mine is the only one where ~80% of the posts are OT?    ???  Not that I mind (I actually find it refreshing), but just curious as to why its only mine...


Also thought about it and added back in RC-2 compatibility.

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TLDR - Enable docker search within settings and have fun  ;)


Before I get down to the details of today's CA update, as an FYI there are some changes coming to dockerMan.  gfjardim has been adding some extra information to a few of his containers (namely BTSync and Crashplan).  Unfortunately, those changes are at the moment incompatible with Kode's application feed.  I'm sure that a fix will shortly be made however in the meantime, those two applications are unavailable within CA if you are using the application feed.  If you want to install those applications, all you have to do is press the Update Applications button (which temporarily forces CA back to template mode), and they will be available.


And now the fun stuff:


Updated to 2015.08.15


A couple of minor bug fixes, and now fully compliant with unRaid's new emphasis on security and arbitrary code execution.


The big change however, is a full GUI for searching and adding containers which do not have an unRaid template created.




As I would consider this to be an advanced feature, the default is for this feature to be disabled.


In the settings for CA, you will find two new options:


Enable additional search results from dockerHub and Guess at icons for docker containers (more on this later)


With the additional search results enabled, you will have a couple of powerful options to find and convert any container to be easily loaded to your server.


#1 - Any search for an application will display the usual search results from the repository author's.  An additional button will appear that will then display the search results from dockerHub.


#2 - On any display of applications with templates (ie: categorized), clicking on the name of the application will perform a dockerHub search for that name


#3 - On any dockerHub search, clicking the author's name will do a search on the author's name - IE: bring up all containers he has written.


#4 - On any dockerHub search, clicking the name of the container will do a search on the container - IE: bring up all similar containers.


#5 - Clicking on a container's icon will bring up the website from dockerHub for that container.  (This is also used as the <Support> entry for the container.


#6 - When adding a new container, a new repository called "DockerHub Repository" will be automatically created and the container added into it so that the plugin can manage the container at a later time (ie: restore to default, edit it, etc)


#7 - At any time when displaying dockerHub search results, you can press Search Templates to search the unRaid templates for the currently displayed search term. 


Icons for containers  When enabling this option in settings, the plugin will attempt to figure out an appropriate icon for the container.  I actually spent about 8 hours trying to come up with an appropriate google search term that's fairly accurate.  I figure that right now about 80% of the time it comes up with an icon that's relevant.


Most of the time spent in gathering the search results together is actually spent doing the searches for the icons.  Because of this, the plugin will cache the search results (not the icons, but only the results).  What this means is that the more you search, the faster the plugin will become. 




The docker API as far as I can tell limits you to 25 results at a time.  Because some of the search terms can come up with an insane number of results (mySql for example has 1744 results), everything is organized into pages of 25 results.  If there is an "official" container for the search term, it will always be displayed on page #1 (and be tagged as an official container).  Because of the limit on 25 results at a time, the sorting options are no longer available (pointless since all of the containers are not available to be sorted) - (As an aside, early on in development, I was displaying all of the possible results... It took this plugin around 20 minutes to catalog and render the results for mySql - The plugin actually only took about 5 minutes to gather the results and the icons.  It took Chrome around 15 minutes to churn through all of the table entries, etc before it even displayed the results)


Conversion Process


Automated, non-Automated, and Official builds are all supported.


With automated builds (the vast majority of containers on dockerHub), the plugin scrapes the webpage for the dockerfile.  This file has the details on the container itself.  Namely, the ports and the volumes exposed.  These entries will be added to the template created.  However, there is no rule in creating dockerfiles that states that the ports and the volumes MUST be exposed.  In other words, if the port / volume is not explicitly exposed in the docker file, then it will not show up within the template.  Luckily, the majority of automated builds do expose the ports and volumes correctly.


With Official and non-Automated builds, there is no dockerfile to scrape.  The templates created by this plugin for those types of containers will be basically just enough for dockerMan to actually download the container.


Regardless of the type of container being converted, it is highly recommended to read the full description of the container (press it's icon) so that you are aware of what ports / volumes / environment variables (which cannot be scraped at all) need to be set within the container.


Template Assumptions


A few assumptions are made by the conversion process which cannot be determined at all from the dockerfile.  Namely: Network type is set to Bridge, Privileged is disabled, Bind time is enabled.




If there is only a single port exposed, CA will assume that the port is the WebUI port.  If there are multiple ports exposed, any port beginning with "8" will be assumed to be the WebUI port.  These assumptions may not be accurate, and once again you should read the directions on the container's dockerHub page.




The docker conversion process (or more to the point, the passing of the created template to dockerMan to add the container) requires popups to be enabled within your browser.  However even with popups disabled, the process still works.  The container will be available within the DockerHub repository (uncategorized), and will be available to be added by selecting it from there (you will have to either Update Applications or exit and enter the docker tab for it to be displayed.  Popups are NOT required to be enabled once a container has been converted, nor to add an unRaid (categorized) template.




Also, this thread has a big tendency to go OT all the time.  While this doesn't bother me in the least, (and I rather do enjoy that fact about it), I am very curious as to everyone's thoughts on this update.  There still are a couple of rough edges in the UI to smooth out but hopefully there are no bugs contained within the plugin itself.





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Well I've tried this new version out as you know and I think it's a great addition, my main concern is that now everyone will assume that any docker container will now be a free for all on Unraid and want support on the forums, specifically in this thread.  And comment on the fact that the icon isn't correct.  ::)


The new docker hub search is amazing and I've told you my thoughts on this, but I think it should be made crystal clear that "Non-Unraid" docker containers are completely unsupported and that people are on their own with the config, icons, etc.


Unless it's me of course  ;D

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Well I've tried this new version out as you know and I think it's a great addition, my main concern is that now everyone will assume that any docker container will now be a free for all on Unraid and want support on the forums, specifically in this thread.  And comment on the fact that the icon isn't correct.  ::)


The new docker hub search is amazing and I've told you my thoughts on this, but I think it should be made crystal clear that "Non-Unraid" docker containers are completely unsupported and that people are on their own with the config, icons, etc.


Unless it's me of course  ;D


it's the wild wild west.....


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Well I've tried this new version out as you know and I think it's a great addition, my main concern is that now everyone will assume that any docker container will now be a free for all on Unraid and want support on the forums, specifically in this thread.  And comment on the fact that the icon isn't correct.  ::)


The new docker hub search is amazing and I've told you my thoughts on this, but I think it should be made crystal clear that "Non-Unraid" docker containers are completely unsupported and that people are on their own with the config, icons, etc.


Unless it's me of course  ;D


it's the wild wild west.....


He's going to need to borrrow this Sparkly, probably big enough for you to both get into.


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Well I've tried this new version out as you know and I think it's a great addition, my main concern is that now everyone will assume that any docker container will now be a free for all on Unraid and want support on the forums, specifically in this thread.  And comment on the fact that the icon isn't correct.  ::)


The new docker hub search is amazing and I've told you my thoughts on this, but I think it should be made crystal clear that "Non-Unraid" docker containers are completely unsupported and that people are on their own with the config, icons, etc.


Unless it's me of course  ;D


it's the wild wild west.....


He's going to need to borrrow this Sparkly, probably big enough for you to both get into.


as long as he's riding bitch......

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Well I've tried this new version out as you know and I think it's a great addition, my main concern is that now everyone will assume that any docker container will now be a free for all on Unraid and want support on the forums, specifically in this thread.  And comment on the fact that the icon isn't correct.  ::)


The new docker hub search is amazing and I've told you my thoughts on this, but I think it should be made crystal clear that "Non-Unraid" docker containers are completely unsupported and that people are on their own with the config, icons, etc.


Unless it's me of course  ;D


it's the wild wild west.....


He's going to need to borrrow this Sparkly, probably big enough for you to both get into.


as long as he's riding bitch......


hehe, well I knew you two were close.... and I wish you both all the best..  ;D

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Well I've tried this new version out as you know and I think it's a great addition, my main concern is that now everyone will assume that any docker container will now be a free for all on Unraid and want support on the forums, specifically in this thread.  And comment on the fact that the icon isn't correct.  ::)


The new docker hub search is amazing and I've told you my thoughts on this, but I think it should be made crystal clear that "Non-Unraid" docker containers are completely unsupported and that people are on their own with the config, icons, etc.


Unless it's me of course  ;D

I have some thoughts on the icon issue.  But ultimately, no automated search is ever going to be 100% correct.  I think I did pretty good getting a single search term to get ~80% accuracy for relevant icons.  If you don't like the feature, turn it off.


Support issues, sure that will be an issue.  Ultimately why you have to opt-in for this feature, and why search results are always the templates first.  But, once again I do have some thoughts on having the plugin "encourage" people to use templates.  But, the net result is that this does fulfill a need, and ultimately I would think that this is no different than say Kitematic. 


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