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"New Config" Utility Clarifications

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I'm running V5.0.5


I upgraded four smaller drives with a single larger drive in my array and am at the point where I need to used the "New Config" utility to finalize it.  I've never used this before and want to make sure I understand how it works before going any further and screwing something up.  I used the info outlined here https://lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php/Replacing_Multiple_Data_Drives_with_a_Single_Larger_Drive.  Specifically, I followed this:


Safer Method


This method rebuilds one of the smaller drives onto the new larger drive then copies the data from the other smaller drives. This will maintain parity during the data transfer then rebuild parity after the last of the smaller drives have been removed.


    1. Stop array and power down.

    2. Replace one of the smaller drives with the new larger drive and power up.

    3. Assign new larger drive to replace missing smaller drive, and start the array, to let unRAID rebuild onto it.

    4. Copy all files from the other smaller drive(s) to the larger drive. For example, if a smaller drive is Disk 2 and the larger drive is Disk 3, then you could use this command in console or telnet:


        rsync -av /mnt/disk2 /mnt/disk3


    5. Stop array and power down.

    6. Remove the remaining smaller drive(s) and power up.

    7. Use New Config to unassign removed drive(s). You can also change the slot assignments of the new drive or any other drives at this point.

    8. Start array and let parity rebuild.


I have completed steps 1-6 and have been reading up on the "New Config" utility (http://lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php/Best_of_the_Forums), which leads me to a few questions.



1) If I understand it correctly, after clicking "Apply" in the "New Config" utility, it will require me to reassign all the disks on the Main > Array Devices tab of the web GUI. 


Per the bold text in item #7 above, am I correct in thinking I can re-order the disk locations in the Norco 4220 server prior to doing this?  Being that I removed 4 disks, my case is kind of unorganized now.  I'd like to remove them and reorder them in a more logical manner.  The key is they all must reassigned in the Main > Array Devices tab with the correct disk # matching the proper disk identification/SN, right?


2) I realize after using "New Config" and starting the array, I need to verify/modify any shares that have included or excluded disks that were removed.  Is there anything else I'm missing?


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Yes, you can reorder the disk locations.  Since unRAID 5.x the main thing about a New Config is to know which drive is your Parity drive (it was different with unRAID 4.x).  You have to assign Parity by knowing the serial number since /sda /sdb device IDs will change if you move drives to different sata connections.  You can put any drive in any slot on the unRAID UI when doing the New Config - except Parity.  You have to get that one right.  The data on the drive you assign as Parity will be wiped out when New Config kicks off a Parity Sync and replaces it with fresh parity data.


Also, Parity Sync involves rebuilding Parity from your data drives.  This means that you have to have faith in your data drives and the data on them.  Run SMART reports before getting started.

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