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Norco 16 and 24 bay SAS expansion cases


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Had a recent conversion with Norco and got the following. They plan a preassembled chassis for just adding drives. Something like the 16 or 24 bay case with PSU and Norco branded SAS expander. The SAS expander would be a PCI slot expansion card with a Molex power input and being able to turn on local PSU depending on incomming signal, very similar to the Chenbro unit sold out everywhere. And they confirmed that they are moving to 120m fans, lets see when we are going to see all this.


So, clearly, we need support for more Volumes and SAS in unRAID.

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Well I guess I can always use a 4220 for my WHS that I'm going to use for OS images and general document storage... but 20 bays is a bit steep for my intended use.  On the flip side, if Norco doesn't want to sell the plate alone and there is enough demand from the community, I'd be willing to have a machine shop make a run of custom 120mm plates. 


(My fiberglass 140mm plate is nice and all but fiberglass is very fragile at the thickness required for the top screw mounts. The 4020 was at good in the fact that the plate was attached by screws in the side of the case.)

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