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Beta2: Mapped drives showing incorrect size

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My mapped drive (Movies & TV Shows) which contains disks2-20 now shows "4.64TB free of 7.27TB". In Beta1, and pre-5.0 it would say something like "4.65TB free of 20.7TB".


Clicking on the map drive shows all my movies, far exceeding 7.27TB. So the share is correct, but it's not reporting the right size.

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Doing the typical shell script double-quote escaping around the variables (especially "$2", "$output", and "$share") improved the situation locally and functions at the shell level.


However when running running via emhttp's link to update.htm&runCmd, it doesn't function.

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I have no idea what half of your posts mean. Far beyond my basic knowledge of unRAID.


I've used the exact same share name since 4.0 and it has never been a problem, so unless 5.0b2 has a bug with spaces in share names then that isn't the problem.. It said the correct size from 4.0->5.0b1, upgraded to 5.0b2, and now it doesn't. Definitely a Beta 2 issue...


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Yes. It is a bug in 5.0 beta 2 with shares containing spaces in the names; one location is on the display page.


The portion of my posts you didn't understand was examining how unRAID calculates the sizes on the display page. Think of it as some quick notes for Limetech on where to look and how to correct a portion of the issue.


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