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What good motherboard to use?


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I already have an Intel board that has 6 SATA ports on it. It has a dual core 1.6 processor on it already with 8GB of ram. Would this kind of board work well with Unraid?


I may at least give Unraid a try first before I dump $900 into a Synology box. I already have all the hardware, the only problem I have is there is data already written on my array and I have no where to put it!


Anyway, anyone recommend a good mainboard with built on video that has an INTEL NIC onboard??? I'm not %100 sure if my current board is supported, but I'll have to check.


** I just found out my board is an Intel DQ35MP series board. I wonder if it will work.


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Hey, nice thing about UnRaid is that it's so easy to make a usb key with the free version and give it a whirl.

It's not like other solutions where you have to download, burn iso/live disk and go through a lengthy setup/install process.


When I was a potential user, it was the most easiest (in fact laughingly easy) server product to setup and evaluate. I think it took me less than 30minutes to get my test server up and running and that is including the time it took to dig through my messy spare parts locker for the components.

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I agree. It is very easy to make a boot flash and just try it out. That's what I've been doing for a few days now. The hard part for me is trying to move 3TB of data to empty space somewhere so I can free up those drives to use. What a pain in the neck! When you end up with let us say 15TB of movies, pictures and data how the heck does anyone back that up entirely? I guess that is when you really need RAID+stripe for even a less fault tolerance. Would you trust that 2 hard drives will never go bad at the same time? I've never experienced that myself but would believe it could happen.

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Most normal RAID setups only have 1 drive redundancy.  If you step into the world of 2 drive protection, you lose more disk space and lose performance.  Currently I think the strategy is to create multiple arrays once you get to the point of being concerned with too many disks.  Most likely unRAID's solution to the 2 drive question will be Q-parity, but that's a ways off still.

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I agree. It is very easy to make a boot flash and just try it out. That's what I've been doing for a few days now. The hard part for me is trying to move 3TB of data to empty space somewhere so I can free up those drives to use. What a pain in the neck! When you end up with let us say 15TB of movies, pictures and data how the heck does anyone back that up entirely? I guess that is when you really need RAID+stripe for even a less fault tolerance. Would you trust that 2 hard drives will never go bad at the same time? I've never experienced that myself but would believe it could happen.

Well the beauty of UnRaid is that if you lose 2 drives, thats all you lose. Then again, a storage solution with some redundancy is not in itself a backup. For irreplaceable data a proper backup system, preferably off site is always recommended.


It looks like the move to UnRaid sounds like a good excuse to purchase more drives and use your original drives as back up.  ;)

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When you end up with let us say 15TB of movies, pictures and data how the heck does anyone back that up entirely?


2nd UnRaid array, offsite if you have fast comms links. 

That's basically what I did,  but one server in the basement, and the other in a spare room on the second floor.  Gigabyte link between them.


The 15TB you describe probably has most of its content on the original disks, making them the "backup"

The issue is the pictures and family videos you've taken.  Those deserve true backup, preferably off-site.


Joe L.

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The issue is the pictures and family videos you've taken.  Those deserve true backup, preferably off-site.

One of the best ways I found was to collect up the pick of your photos and videos (as if you were creating physical photo album from various snap shots) on an external drive and give them to grand parents or other close family. I get an extra off site back up and they get the latest photos and videos of their grandchildren.

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