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How to report a defect and capture syslog and smart reports

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When starting a new topic, please include the version of unRAID OS you are running.  Also, almost all issues will require a system log to help diagnose the problem.  There are multiple ways to obtain the system log:


  • You can type "//tower/log/syslog" in your browser address bar (if you changed the name of your server, use that name instead of 'tower').  Then select/copy/paste the text, put into a txt file, and attach to your post.


  • Via the console or telnet session, you can type this command:
    cp /var/log/syslog /boot/syslog.txt

    The file 'syslog.txt' will now show up in the 'flash' share under My Network Places (or Network), where you can attach to your post.


  • In cases where the system hangs, you can set up a system log monitoring telnet session by typing this command:
    tail -f /var/log/syslog

    Messages will get displayed in your telnet window as they are generated.  If the system hangs, please select/copy/paste the contents of your telnet window, put into a txt file, and attach to your post.


Note: If possible, please upgrade to the latest stable release to see if this solves the problem.

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This starts a new method of reporting Issues with a release...


Issue Reporting Instructions


To report a Defect or request an Enhancement, first please browse this board for a similar report or request.  If you are sure your issue is unique, please follow this procedure:

[*]Click on the New Topic icon.

[*]In the Subject field, type a one-line summary of the issue.

[*]Select the proper Message icon in the drop-down list.

[*]If you are reporting a Defect, please include a system log if possible.

Please note, that some topics may be moved or merged by the Moderators.


Message icons:

thumbdown.gif Defect report (thumbs down)

thumbup.gif Defect solved (thumbs up)

lamp.gif Enhancement request (light bulb)



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now if we could only get people to run the RCs without all the plugins then the actual "bug" list would be much shorter and we could move on to 5.0 Final. i know i was/am one of the people that uses the plugins regularly, but now if i have a problem the first thing i do is disable the plugins then try to recreate the issue. that way i know what is actually causing the problem.


thanks for showing everyone that you are listening Tom by creating this new organization in the forum.

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Well no one likes to be a hardass but there are two simple steps to solve this:


1) delete or at least freeze bug report threads that do not include a system log

2) delete or at least freeze bug report threads with system logs showing evidence of any add-ons


That said, it is possible for an add-on to expose a problem in the base system because it is hitting an edge condition sooner / more frequently than without it.  But I would still agree that initial bug reports need to show evidence sans add-on with the mention that it was "first noticed" while an add-on was used so as to aid in trouble shooting (i.e. it does X once in a blue moon stock, but it does X every 5 min when running add-on Y)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Does SMF give you the ability to give Prefixes to the Thread Title?


A forum i goto (OCAU) rnus on vBulliten and in some areas they have predefined Prefixes you can use. Specifically the For Sale area, It is populated with all the major regions (mostly states).


Something for different versions of UnRaid might be a good idea, so you can see from the thread title (assuming they don't write it in themselves) which version they are using. Would be helpful to easilly identify when people haven't updated (ie, reporting a problem with RC3 when you have RC4/5 out)


i have attached a screenshot from the other fourm to hopefully make it a little more clear.


*EDIT - Looking at the first page of the RC Support forum, only 2 threads have the UnRaid version in the title...


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  • 1 year later...

No offense but why don't use a bug tracking software like Redmine, Mantis, etc? UnRAID is the only project a know that track it's bugs and features inside a forum software. Can we at least known/understand the reasons for this?


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk now Free


Jriver is another software company that tracks bugs through their forum.

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