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ASUS M4A89GTD Pro USB3 Level 1 Testing


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Hi all,

I have the Asus M4A89GTD Pro USB3 motherboard.



Just upgraded to it from my old budget board as I wanted a PWM chassis fan and this also provides 2x PCIe x8 (If used together) and a PCIe x4.


I've put my hdds back in and run a parity check too. Ive attached my syslog.


Can anyone let me know if it is all ok and if so how I can add to the wiki.




May need to downgrade the firmware to to get Motherboard AHCI to work with the card.


Thanks Josh


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Also forgot to note that at the moment I'm running the onboard SATA ports as 3GBs as I've heard they can sometimes have a few issues with some samsung drives that haven't had their firmware updated. A quick google will tell you more. It seems like an easy fix but none of my drives are SATA III so I didn't bother.



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Also forgot to note that at the moment I'm running the onboard SATA ports as 3GBs as I've heard they can sometimes have a few issues with some samsung drives that haven't had their firmware updated. A quick google will tell you more. It seems like an easy fix but none of my drives are SATA III so I didn't bother.




I have the same board (except usb3). I have one Samsung drive (parity) and i had to set the sata ports to 3gbs in order to have it working.

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Hi Joeyke87,


It has to do with the SB controller that runs the 6Gbs and it only interferes with some of the Samsung drives. You can either step down to the 3Gbs which is faster than most drives anyway or upgrade the firmware on the drives. I believe from memory only certain models have the issue and I think it is the F3 drives. I'm running the green drives which aren't a problem. If you search the samsung website it will tell you which model numbers have the issue.



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Just an update,


Having a few issues getting a Supermicro AOC SASLP MV8 running on this board.



Different to what Shawn was getting.



Running the 6 onboard SATAs alone and the NIc had no issues.


There seems to be a clash with the SATA controller and this card. The card works as long as the SATA controller is disabled which kind of defeats the purpose. ATM all my drives are on the supermicro and it works, I just can't use my SATA ports.


Still googling so may find a solution.



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Just to clarify:


You can have two Supermicro MV8 sata expansion cards to run 16 drives but you need to deactivate the motherboards sata ports?


You should be able to run 3 supermicro cards (I've just got the one at the moment) on this board, it has 2 PCIe1 x16 (runs x8) and one PCIe x4.


When I have just the one card it clashes with the SATA ports.



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So you disable the on board sata ports to stop the clash?



Try it out first. If you have problems with it booting, unplug the supermicro, boot to bios and disable the SATA controllers and then plug the card back in and it will should work.


If you find it all works with disabling then let me know. I'm trying to get to the bottom of it and have asked ASUS.


It seems the gigabyte board with the SB850 chipset seems to work fine.


I might have to go to the previous Asus board the M4A785TD.

The other ASUS board I have as well is limited to the number of HDDs, will only get to 16-17 before you hit limits.



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I have this board too and I'm just waiting for the place I bought it from to get the cables in stock ... (they already have the Supermicro card there waiting ...)


I have been testing the stability of my next main computer and before I replace the old one I thought I could do some more testing of this ...


So I'll start bugging ASUS about this problem too ;-)






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First reply from ASUS:


Dear Valued Customer,


Thank you for contacting ASUS Customer Service.


My name is Stacey and it's my pleasure to help you with your problem.


I did not hear this kind of cases before.

In this situation, if you enable the onboard controller and do not use any HDDs on it, can the system work?

Maybe you can clear the cmos to load default settings and try again.

Besides, please make sure that your power supply is enough.

Maybe you could use all the power connectors(24+8) at the same time.


Welcome to refer Troubleshooting & FAQ for ASUS products in ASUS website:

Troubleshooting - http://support.asus.com/troubleshooting/troubleshooting.aspx?SLanguage=en-us

FAQ - http://support.asus.com/faq/faq.aspx?SLanguage=en-us


If you continue to experience issues in the future, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Best Regards,




ASUS Customer Service


I've tried all that already so have replied so and we'll see where that goes.



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I'm hoping if they get enough complaints from different parts of the world ... they might find a solution ...


I got help with the memory timings in the forums ... I needed them set to DOCP and the memory rate.


unRaid on an AMD 1090T with DDR3-1666 memory ... but that will only be to see if I can get the AOC SASLP MV8 and M4A89GTD Pro/USB3 working together.


I'll check my BIOS on both when the card and cables arrive ...


I don't think I'll have much better luck than anyone else with this motherboard and the Supermicro card though ... but voices in numbers ;-)





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Well I have some luck.


I had a problem booting in IDE mode as mentioned before as one of my WD drives was set to power up in standby which caused the mobo to see SMART and not boot. (See previous posts).


I unpinned the drive, cleared the CMOS and I can now boot hdds on the mobo and the Supermicro AS LONG AS the SATA controller is set to IDE mode and not AHCI.


unRAID starts and everything looks ok. The only thing is that the drives are now IDE drives.


Having a quick search and read it seams that this is not ideal as it may slow writes down.

I'll have a better search later but it is late and I'm tired.  ;D


Does anyone know if this will be a major issue and what some of the minor issues may be?

At least all the ports can be used.



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What hdds are you using?


Cache: WD 500AADS

6x Samsung HD154UI ecogreen f2


The boot up fails with no drives attached in AHCI mode. I haven't tried RAID but I hear mixed things, some say it is fine others not. IDE mode still works (haven't tried) but I hear parity checks may be slow.



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What is the recommended BIOS settings?


I cleared the CMOS with the jumper pins, disabled everything  I didn't need (which is pretty much everything) except USB and LAN. SATA controller set to IDE. The USB I drive I left in Auto as anything over 512MB it sets as HDD anyway and mine is a 2GB flash drive. Boot hard drives all disabled except flash drive and boot order just flash drive.


Also this is the latest I have from ASUS after going back and forth a few times.

Dear Valued Customer,


Thank you for contacting ASUS Customer Service.


I suspect Option ROM is not enough.

Maybe you can enter BIOS>BOOT>Boot Device priority and try both the HDDs on board and card as the 1st Drive for a test.


Best Regards,




ASUS Customer Service


Now that doesn't make much sens to me. Not sure what option ROM is so off to google and find out a bit more.



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